Ukrainian smart home system

An Ajax-based smart home system is a reliable, modern mechanism for protecting a residential or business premises, managing systems, and improving the owner’s living comfort with high-quality devices and the latest technologies.

When you use a smart home system for an apartment, Ajax equipment notifies the user of possible risks and immediately counteracts them.

Using scenarios to automate the smart home system for a private home, transmits commands over the secure Jeweller radio protocol and executes the required command without exception.

The manufacturer of this system is Ukraine. Accordingly, it supports the interface in Russian and Ukrainian.

This smart home system solves two important tasks, namely:

  • provides the user with convenience and comfort in managing the life support of the premises;
  • guarantees the protection of residential premises by monitoring the facility’s network for burglary and other types of threats to the home, such as fire, gas, etc.

Smart home equipment Ajax operates using Jeweller encrypted and secure two-way radio communication of its own design, which is characterized by autonomy from the power grid due to the use of a backup power supply.

Advantages of the system

  • installation is very quick and easy;
  • there is a wireless communication channel between the system elements;
  • wide signal coverage up to 2000 meters;
  • protection against removal of any of the sensors;
  • full or partial access for other users;
  • battery life of the hub for 16 hours;
  • Wi-Fi and GSM connection;
  • multiple ways to inform the system owner (call, SMS, etc.);
  • electricity consumption shows smart outlets and automatically shuts off during power surges or emergency outages;
  • The system can be installed using a QR code and controlled using a smartphone with an iOS or Android operating system;
  • connection to up to 100 devices;
  • panic button on the remote control;
  • low cost of the kit (from $200).

Disadvantages of the system

  • operates only with the help of a central controller (Hub), i.e. there are no autonomous sensors;
  • there is no in-house video surveillance camera, but at the same time, it is possible to install additional, third-party equipment;
  • the system is controlled only by phone.

Thus, the Ajax smart home system is multifunctional, reliable, and easy to use and install; it has high-quality protection against any kind of burglary, excellent design, and an easy-to-use interface for every user. Even if you are not a technically trained user, the system setup is as simple as possible.

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