TOP 5 useful iOS apps for learning

Today’s schoolchildren and students are the driving force that will reform and change the world in the future, so they need help in acquiring knowledge more than ever. The best learning apps will help them with this.

  1. Scientific research

At the initial stage of learning, this app will help develop a child’s love of science, as it contains 500 scientific experiments of varying levels of difficulty. They are suitable for adults. and for children. 50 of them are free of charge. Each experiment is accompanied by step-by-step, detailed, and understandable instructions and a description of the results.

This way, anyone can easily repeat them without requiring special skills.



This app is a one-stop solution for those who have trouble learning math.

The principle of its operation is simple: you can use your mobile phone’s camera to scan printed text or handwritten math problems, or you can enter and edit an example or equation in a specially built-in scientific calculator. The program breaks down each task into simple and clear steps that the user can understand and answer questions.

Key features of the program:

  • scanning a printed textbook and handwritten problems and examples and equations;
  • scientific calculator;
  • step-by-step explanations of each solution;
  • support for about 30 languages;
  • interactive graphs.

Covers the following math topics:

  • basic math and beginning algebra: arithmetic, integers, fractions, decimals, roots;
  • Algebra: linear equations, inequalities, quadratic equations, systems of equations, logarithms, functions, matrices, graphs, polymers;
  • Trigonometry: identities, conic sections, vectors, matrices, complex numbers, sequences and series, logarithmic functions;
  • calculus (mathematical analysis): limits, derivatives, integrals, curve drawing;
  • statistics: combinations, factorials.
  1. Microsoft Math Solver

This app is also aimed at learning algebra, trigonometry, statistics, and math.

To begin with, you need to use the camera of your mobile device to scan the place where there is a problem in solving the problem and the program will help you solve it, give a step-by-step explanation of the result.

When the user is ready to practice, he or she can take a daily test, play a game, or watch a video lecture on a given topic.

Key features of the program:

  • scanning printed or handwritten text;
  • write a mathematical equation on the device screen;
  • enter and edit tasks in the advanced math calculator;
  • receive interactive step-by-step explanations;
  • access and use of a graphic calculator;
  • Import images with mathematical equations that are on your device;
  • supports a large number of foreign languages.

It covers the following topics:

  • elementary problems: arithmetic, real, complex numbers, multipliers, percentages;
  • Prealgebra: radicals and exponents, fractions, matrices;
  • Algebra: quadratic equations, systems of equations, inequalities, rational expressions, graphs;
  • basic calculus: sum.
  1. Sky Guide

This is a starry sky simulator aimed at helping novice astronauts improve their study of the celestial bodies.

Sky Guide shows students the sky.

The principle of operation is quite simple – you need to point your mobile phone camera at the sky and thus you can identify any star, planet, satellite or constellation.

Key features:

  • The program uses real photos of the starry sky. There are 37,000 of them;
  • Each celestial object has a description, which is collected in the app’s database;
  • in the settings, you can set any location on Earth. For example, if you select London, the app will show you the stars that are in the sky in that city in real time;
  • the app has organized background music.
  1. Memrise

This application is aimed at learning a foreign language and uses a game-based approach to increase users’ vocabulary and improve their comprehension.

Developers have created lessons that integrate multimedia elements to engage and retain students’ interest, increasing the effectiveness of the learning process.

Algorithm of work:

  • start learning the language with a list of words;
  • then move on to learning the words and phrases used by the locals;
  • Immerse yourself in videos by native speakers;
  • When you’re ready, you can start practicing your language with Membot.

The app offers different types of tasks:

  • word set – you are shown a word, and the user has to type the translation;
  • Multiple choice tasks – you are shown a word and have to choose one correct answer out of 4 offered;
  • Multiple choice task in audio format – select one correct translation of the proposed word out of 4, only in audio format;
  • Multiple choice in video format – the user has to watch a short video where native speakers say the words, and you have to choose the correct answer.

In the process of learning, users receive points, as well as a flower that blooms and grows before your eyes.

Thus, for each discipline, information technology developers, together with teachers, create effective assistants in the study of specific subjects.

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