TOP-5 computer games for blind users

We live in a world where technology has reached a stage in its development where it can make life with special needs easier, more interesting, and more comfortable.

Today we are going to talk about games designed for users who have significant vision problems but want to feel part of the digital world from time to time.

In general, games for blind users can be divided into several types:

  1. Text – all game events are announced using the screen access program.
  2. Sound games are those in which the screen reader must be turned off, and all feedback is provided through game sounds and recorded voice messages.
  3. Combined games are those where the control is carried out using an on-screen access program and sound prompts in the game itself.

Humans vs. robots (HVR)

Genre: multiplayer shooter-quest.

User interaction: custom sound and scanner.

Age restrictions: 12+


This is a classic multi-level game where users have to walk around a certain area and kill their enemies with small arms.

The player controls the actions of his character, performing various tasks or quests, but at the same time he must destroy all the robot enemies.

All events take place on a map that has a grid of coordinates. The maps differ from each other in the environment, the number and nature of robots, the presence of artifacts, rooms, buildings, and interconnections. As the character’s experience grows, so does his level, and so does his access to new tools.

Several participants can take part in the game at the same time. They move freely and can communicate with each other. There is a private and public chat for this.


Genre: shooter.

User interaction: custom sound and scanner.

Age restrictions: 12+


The gameis voiced quite well. However, the player will also need a screensaver, as all information about statistics and main tasks is displayed through the screen access program.

So, in the world of this game there is a planet with four orbiting fortresses. The player controls one of these fortresses and must repel enemy attacks. Bonuses are awarded for destroyed ships, which can be used to buy various weapons.


Genre: simulator.

User interaction: custom sound and scanner.

Age restrictions: 12+


This game was developed in Slovakia. The level of immersion in the game world is a pleasant surprise. It is very well voiced. The graphics are atmospheric and realistic.

The player has to fly, navigate in space, land, communicate with the dispatcher, and receive passengers.


Genre: sound, logic, card games.

User interaction: custom sound and scanner.

Age restrictions: 16+


It’s not just one game, but dozens of board games that have been collected in one app. There are 31 of them in total. They are divided into six categories: 12 card games, 10 logic games, 5 military games, 2 audio games, 1 guessing game, and 1 board game. Each of them has detailed instructions and rules.

The program features text and voice chat.

The games are voiced with both screenshots and sound effects. Some of the information will need to be read by a screen access program.

So, in the modern world, there are game developers who are guided by the principle of accessibility and create products for people with special needs.

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