The first robot is a licensed doctor

A unique event took place in China. The robot Xiaoyi, whose name literally translates to “little doctor” and is endowed with artificial intelligence, has successfully passed exams and received a doctor’s license. It is known that he scored 456 points out of 600 possible. Imagine, it’s 96 points more than you need for a good result.

According to the Beijing News, it is known that it took some time for the robot to achieve this result, as before the training test, Xiaoyi scored only 100 out of 600 points, which caused dissatisfaction among the developers. Medical textbooks were loaded into the robot’s “consciousness”. The robot started a new preparation for the exam. He reviewed, memorized, and analyzed dozens of textbook materials, two million medical notes, and 400,000 articles. This was done so that the device could develop the ability to reason, which is necessary for every doctor. When the time came for X, he did not use all the time allotted for the national exam to obtain a medical qualification, which pleasantly surprised his creators.

Xiao Yi with AI can independently and automatically collect and analyze patient information, as well as perform diagnostics. Based on the data obtained, he can determine the correct diagnosis of the patient.

Liu Qingfeng, CEO of iFlyTek, made a statement in which he emphasized that Xiaoyi will be officially launched in March 2018. It is not intended to replace doctors, but rather to help people. It is designed to improve the cooperation between humans and robots and increase efficiency.

Xiaoyi is an AI medical robot developed by iFlyTek. It is designed to help doctors, improve the efficiency of ways, methods, and approaches to treat patients, and can compete with IBM’s Watson, Amazon’s Echo, and Google’sDeepMind Health. The development of Xiaoyi is part of China’s titanic efforts to actively use AI in consumer electronics, medical field, etc.

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