The company’s CEO is a humanoid

A well-known Polish company has taken an interesting and controversial step into the future. Rum producer Dictador has made a humanoid robot named Mika the world’s first CEO of an international company.

The humanoid robot was developed together with employees of the Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics. They are the authors of the world-famous Sophia robot. Mika identifies as a woman and is a more modified version of her sister.

Mika is not only the CEO of the company, but also a member of the senior management team. She is responsible for communicating with the decentralized autonomous organization on behalf of the corporation. A contract that specifies all the features and role of the robot. This document entered into force on September 1, 2022. Today, Mika has been running Dictador for over a year.

Hanson Robotics CEO David Hanson played a key role in this appointment. He emphasized the importance of “humanizing” artificial intelligence. He also confidently stated that he firmly believes that in today’s world, it is important to teach AI to take care of people so that AI is truly safe and reliable. David Hanson believes that the process of humanizing robots is a very important area of activity.

Recently, an interview was held with Mickey and Fox Business reporter Lauren Simonetti. In the video report, Dictador’s CEO says that with the help of advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, it can quickly and accurately manage information data.

However, Lauren Simonetti noted that there is a significant time lag during which Miki processes the information and builds a complete response to the questions she receives.

Although the humanoid robot often encounters problems during its work, this does not stop it from moving forward. Miki’s list of achievements as a female leader is only growing. Last month, she was elected an honorary professor at the Collegium Humanum University in Warsaw.

Thus, the experiment shows that humanoid robots can perform the same functions as humans, while forming close social ties as a result of successful “humanization.”

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