The world’s first exoskeleton for children with disabilities

When we talk about exoskeletons, we imagine models for adults or even the elderly of the robotic type developed by Hyundai. However, engineers from the Spanish National Research Committee have developed a model aimed at children. This development can not only help them move, but some of them may even save their lives. The exoskeleton >>>>

It will give you incredible strength. Exoskeleton for traveling

Sometimes it seems that we are part of a science fiction series where technology becomes our best friend. Nowadays, exoskeletons are being used not only for rehabilitation purposes, but they are becoming more accessible to the general public. The Shanghai-based company Hypershell has introduced a compact exoskeleton that gives its wearer incredible strength, equivalent to >>>>

TOP-5 exoskeletons for rehabilitation

TOP 5 EXOSKELETONS FOR REHABILITATION Increasingly, medical professionals are using different types of exoskeletons in physiotherapy after complex injuries, strokes, and congenital diseases. In this article, we’ll take a look at 5 of the most popular and effective ones. Exoskeleton Walking Assist Device. This device, developed in Japan by Honda, is designed for walking and >>>>

Exoskeletons in rehabilitation. General characteristics

Many of us have heard the term “rehabilitation,” which refers to measures aimed at restoring body functions lost after injuries, fractures, etc. The most difficult are the injuries caused by strokes or spinal cord injuries, which often leave patients bedridden and wheelchair-bound. That is why doctors are now increasingly using “exoskeletons” to help them learn >>>>