SSL certificates. Who needs them and why?

The main task of an SSL certificate is to ensure security in the exchange of data between the user and the server by encrypting personal information: logins, passwords, credit card information, etc.

Functions of an SSL certificate

  • Encodes transmitted messages to avoid interception by unauthorized persons;
  • Provides protection against intruders who try to pass off their actions as server activity;
  • It helps to avoid possible eavesdropping and modification of data during transmission over the network;
  • Increases user confidence in platforms and browsers.

Websites that use SSL certificates have certain advantages:

  1. Thanks to the protection of personal data, more visitors stay on websites with an SSL certificate;
  2. In search engines, websites with existing and valid certificates have a better chance of getting higher rankings;
  3. Web resources with SSL certificates encourage users to visit them, and without certificates, not every user will dare to go to the site;

If there is no SSL certificate, the browser warns that the site is not secure.

A guarantee of reliability is provided by the “https” mark at the beginning of the browser line or the icon with a closed lock to the left of the website address. The domain name of the owner, its location, validity period, and the details of the certificate provider are “stored” under it.

Types of certificates


DV certificates – domain verification. They offer an initial level of verification. Suitable for your own websites, blogs, and online stores. This type of SSL certificate certifies the right to a domain.

OV certificates – verification of organizations. Useful for those involved in e-commerce. Protects personal information such as credit card numbers and contacts. The domain and the organization that owns it are checked. The preparation of such a certificate takes several weeks.

EV certificates – extended inspection. The highest level. The most reliable type. Its presence means that the organization has undergone an in-depth verification of the legality of documents, identification, etc. Registration within a month.

Free of charge:

You can connect from the control panel of the hosting service that hosts the website. They need to be renewed every 3 months. Suitable for non-commercial projects or test sites.

Classification of certificates by type of data verification

Self-signed or self-published. They are signed by the server. They can be generated by the user. They are ineffective because only the computer on which the certificate was created can trust them. Most browsers will display a security warning.

Valid. Signed by a certification authority. With verified and confirmed data. Browsers trust this certificate unconditionally.

The process of internal work of the certificate

  1. The client (web browser) sends a request to the secure server;
  2. Handshake” or handshake. The server and client recognize each other and start communicating through an SSL/TLS tunnel. The “keys” necessary for encoding and decoding data are exchanged. At this stage, a secure connection is established;
  3. Data exchange between the client and the server by encoding and decoding with a secret key.

An SSL certificate is a necessity without which it is difficult for a website to survive on the Internet. Often, an SSL certificate is included in a package with a domain and hosting, which allows you to save money.

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