Personal website

A personal website is the online space of a particular person who is interested in self-promotion. This is its main difference from a business card site, which is focused on business. By creating a personal project, you can get an opportunity to declare your business or talents.

It can be useful for:

  • People in creative professions – actors, musicians, designers;
  • Those who are engaged in private practice – doctors, lawyers, accountants;
  • Public figures, such as politicians;
  • Freelancers and private entrepreneurs.

A personal website can be developed for a group of people who are united by a common idea, for example, a music band. The main thing is that the site should have a common target audience.

Before you start developing a personal website, you need to decide what you need it for. This will determine the content of the site:

  1. A portfolio is suitable for those who want to find a job or are already self-employed;
  2. The blog will be useful for those who want to communicate with subscribers and share news about their work;
  3. A personal website gives you the opportunity to publish your own project to get the opportunity to promote it;
  4. Materials about hobbies. You can collect all the materials about the hobby without limiting the format.

Distinctive features of a personal website

  • Small volume. Pages with the owner’s biography, photos or videos, news, and posters;
  • Brief personal information – services, prices, contacts, feedback form;
  • The exclusive design is “bright”, capacious, but at the same time soft and attractive. The one that emphasizes individuality.

For ease of search, it is important to think about the name of the site, it will become a domain by which you can be easily found. On a personal website, at the request of the owner, you can place a catalog with works, a schedule, an appointment form, and a mini-shop.

Your own resource will help you solve a number of problems:

  • To stand out among competitors in a particular industry;
  • Increase recognition and earn credibility;
  • Learn new skills in the process of creating a website.

A personal website is the face of the Internet, so when creating it, you need to carefully consider all the little things that users should know about.

For specialists, creating a personal (author’s) website is a difficult task, as it is necessary to think through not only technical aspects but also the personal qualities of the person for whom the project is being created.

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