Online store. What to consider when creating a website

Online store. What to consider when creating a website

An online store is a website or mobile application where you can buy goods and services, a kind of e-commerce component. It is convenient because it allows a potential buyer to select the desired item by evaluating the characteristics. Choose a payment and delivery method without leaving your home. Online stores are beneficial for owners of standard goods and services.

An online store is one of the most complex web projects. Its interface may include:

  1. Product catalog. To present a product on a website, you can use manual entry and automated uploading. In the first case, all the goods are entered separately by item. In the second case, any database becomes a source for uploading: 1C, Microsoft Excel, etc. Often, input methods are combined;
  2. Order form. It can be a separate page on the website or be placed on every product page. After filling out the form, it is sent to the e-mail of the store employee, who contacts the customer in any convenient way. Do not neglect feedback, the buyer is waiting for a response from the seller confirming that his order has been accepted and will be delivered on time;
  3. Shopping cart. It is necessary for those who have picked up more than one item to avoid filling out the form every time. The cart overview is available to the customer on the website page;
  4. Choosing a payment method. Most often, intermediary websites are used to accept payments. They ensure the process of debiting and transferring funds from one account to another. Not all online stores work on a prepaid basis. Many companies allow payment upon receipt – cash on delivery. They also use cash payments upon receipt from the warehouse;
  5. Accounting for the availability of goods. The website can receive information about this from the accounting system that has information about the availability of goods;
  6. Booking. This is done in order to keep the goods in the warehouse until the moment of purchase. If, for some reason, the “transaction” does not take place, the reservation is canceled and the goods are returned to the online warehouse;
  7. Deferred order. It is necessary if the product is not available now, but is expected to be. To avoid losing customers, the website has a pre-order system;
  8. Registration. Not relevant for all online stores. It is created for convenience on websites that focus on regular customers. Sometimes, the registration process is left to the customers’ discretion;
  9. Discounts. Online stores that keep accurate records of turnover often offer registered users bonus discounts, promotions, and even gifts. They are made through a discount service;
  10. Types of prices. The website should be built in such a way that it is possible to provide prices for both wholesale and retail sales;
  11. Reviews. This is a very important component, as a buyer tends to trust another buyer more than a seller. A review system can increase sales of a quality product;
  12. Sales leaders, recommended products. By tracking the purchase history, the administrator can display a kind of advertising on the page.

An online store can use some of these features, or maybe all of them at once. The wider the capabilities, the more productive the operation.

How to attract customers

Search engine optimization. The main page is optimized for the type of product, while the rest of the pages are optimized for key queries. With the help of external optimization, the store is promoted with the help of articles and links.

Advertising in social networks. It is enough to form interest groups correctly. You can run targeted ads for a specific audience.

Involvement of aggregator sites. Such sites place goods on their platforms and earn interest on sales, advertising, etc. By placing products on an aggregator site, you can significantly expand the reach of your target audience.

Advertising on thematic forums and blogs. Contextual advertising. With the help of a properly selected, composed and placed ad in the right place, you can increase the interest of the audience, and with it, sales.

Natural links shared by real customers. This will help promote the site for key queries.

Offline advertising. Or just live advertising. Without huge capital investments, you can limit yourself to enclosing offer booklets with already purchased products.

Indicators of a good online store: simple navigation, convenient search by category, and menus with detailed information. A well-designed online store can become an effective tool for profit.

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