It will give you incredible strength. Exoskeleton for traveling

Sometimes it seems that we are part of a science fiction series where technology becomes our best friend. Nowadays, exoskeletons are being used not only for rehabilitation purposes, but they are becoming more accessible to the general public.

The Shanghai-based company Hypershell has introduced a compact exoskeleton that gives its wearer incredible strength, equivalent to one horsepower of power. This way, a person can run faster, climb higher, and explore incredible places where they have never been before.

The Omega exoskeleton platform weighs 2 kilograms, which makes it more portable, and when folded, the device takes up 6.5 liters. It can be carried in a backpack if necessary. This way, consumers have a choice of actively using the device throughout the entire trip or only on difficult and dangerous stages of the route.

The exoskeleton is attached to the lower part of the human body and is adjustable in size according to the parameters of the traveler’s waist and legs. The device is equipped with a built-in 800 W motor that provides additional support and compensates for up to 30 kg of weight, so the user feels lighter even when carrying a heavy load on their shoulders and can walk, run or climb a hill or mountain more actively.

A person using this device can reach and maintain a speed of up to 20 km/h. And the device itself works on a single charge for 25 km.

The Hypershell Omega consists of one active and eight passive joints that provide smooth and unrestricted movement. The exoskeleton has a multi-sensor architecture that monitors the torque, position, and force of the lower limbs. Based on the data obtained and using two built-in processors, the gait is modeled. The device selects the required motor mode (there are 9 in total, for example, walking, running, cycling).

One of the advantages of Hypershell Omega is its “hyper mode”. It provides instant access to maximum system performance. Since the exoskeleton is equipped with artificial intelligence, it can predict the next steps, learn, and adapt to human needs.

The development company provided the device with two lithium batteries that can be quickly replaced. They are built into an aluminum-magnesium housing. Users can carry them with them and replace them if necessary. Each of them weighs 400 grams.

Interestingly, the exoskeleton is designed not only for hiking. Representatives of the company made a statement that their development can be used by climbers and cyclists, as well as professional travelers and search and rescue teams.

Today it is known that Hypershell plans to launch production of three models based on the Omega exoskeleton platform.

The basic Hypershell Go model is equipped with a 400 W motor and provides a travel speed of up to 12 km/h. It costs $342

The Pro model costs $500 and has the above characteristics.

The Carbon model has a lighter weight of 1.8 kg and costs $742.

Thus, every traveler and lover of extreme and active recreation can choose a “helper” from Hypershell to ensure a comfortable time and improve the conditions of difficult stages of the selected routes.

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