Image formats. Which ones are best to use? All the advantages and disadvantages

Image formats are no less important than the images themselves. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the one you choose will affect the speed of website loading, the quality of the image, and the ease of working with graphics. In this article, we will analyze the most common image formats, their features, advantages/disadvantages, and tips on how to choose the best one for your needs.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) – a classic for photos

JPEG is probably the most common format. It is used to store photos and other images with a large number of colors. The peculiarity of this format is the ability to compress the image without significant loss of quality.


  • High level of image compression, which significantly reduces the image size.
  • Ideal for photographs and complex images with numerous color transitions.


  • Loss of quality during repeated storage.
  • Does not support transparency and animation.

Tip. If you need to save photos for your website or social media, JPEG is the best option. At the same time, if you are editing photos and don’t want to lose quality, then choose the RAW format.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) – for images with transparency

PNG has become popular for its ability to store images with transparent backgrounds, making it ideal for logos, icons, and other graphic elements.


  • Maintaining transparency.
  • Excellent quality with no compression loss.


  • Larger file size compared to JPEG.
  • Not as effective for storing complex photos.

Tip. If you’re creating logos, banners, or other graphic elements where transparency is important, choosing PNG is the best option.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) – for animations

GIF is a format that allows you to save multiple images in one file, thus creating an animation. It is quite popular for memes and short animations.


  • Easily create and view animations.
  • Supports transparency, although with limitations (only one color can be transparent).


  • Limited color palette (maximum 256).
  • Large files with longer animations.

Tip. You can use GIFs to create short animations, such as memes or buttons for websites. However, if you need high quality and a wider color palette, choose other formats.


WebP was developed by Google to compress images more efficiently. It combines the advantages of JPEG and PNG to provide high quality images in a more convenient file size.


  • High quality with reduced file size.
  • Support for transparency and animations.


  • Not supported by all older browsers.
  • Not as common as other formats.

Tip. If you are building a website or application and want to reduce page load times, you should consider using WebP for optimization. Just make sure that your users use modern browsers that support this format before using it.

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) – for professionals

TIFF is often used professionally to store high-quality images, for example, in photography or in a print shop.


  • Extremely high image quality, not reduced even by compression.
  • Supports multi-channel images and multi-layer files.


  • Very large file sizes.
  • Not supported in all web browsers.

Tip. Only if you work with graphics on a professional level, for example, in photo editing or in a printing house, then TIFF is a great choice. In all other cases, for example, with websites, it should not be considered.

HEIF (High Efficiency Image Format) is a new generation format for mobile devices

HEIF is now starting to gain popularity due to its ability to store high-quality images with a minimal file size. It is often used in modern cell phones.


  • High quality with reduced file size.
  • Supports both static images and short videos.


  • Support is limited to some programs and devices.

Tip. If you use newer smartphones that support HEIF, this format is a good choice for storing images without sacrificing space.

How do you choose the best format for your images?

The choice of format depends on the specific purpose of the image and the environment in which it will be displayed. There are a few things to consider. We’ll discuss them below:

The purpose of the image. As already mentioned, JPEG is good for photos, PNG for graphics with transparent elements, and GIF for animations. But if high quality and space saving are very important, you should pay attention to WebP or HEIF.

Quality versus speed. If you’re optimizing your website and want to reduce page load times, you should pay attention to formats that retain high quality but reduce file size. Formats like WebP or HEIF are the best options for fast photo uploads without losing their quality. Browser support. On the other hand, if you use images on websites or in mobile applications, it is important to consider whether these formats are supported on different devices/browsers. For example, some older browsers may not support HEIF at all.

Additional tips for choosing a format for specific tasks

Working with cell phones. If you often take photos with your smartphone, HEIF is the best choice because of its compact file size and good quality. New Apple and Android devices support this format, allowing you to significantly save space on your phone’s memory without losing the photo quality itself.

Online stores. For such sites, the JPEG and WebP formats are suitable. As we’ve already mentioned, JPEG saves photos of products with good quality + smaller file size, thereby increasing the speed of page loading. Use WebP only if you want to maximize space saving.

Presentations and marketing. If you work with design or create presentations for marketing campaigns, choose PNG. Transparency support will allow you to work with graphic elements without a background, which is important for creating stylish banners, logos, and other advertising. In general, the choice of format depends on your needs and requirements for file quality and size. Each has its advantages and is suitable for certain tasks. It’s important to know when and where to use a particular format to get the best photo quality.

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