– is a technical process of data conversion using a certain algorithm, during which plain (clear) text becomes encrypted in order to prevent unauthorized access to information.
Encryption characteristics:
- confidentiality – only two people have access to information data: the owner and the recipient, as encryption prevents Internet service providers and other intruders from intercepting files;
- security – if a device with encrypted data is lost, its contents will be safe, preventing leakage of corporate information;
- data integrity – encrypted files cannot be read or modified during transmission;
- Regulations – government agencies or other large international companies require encryption of users’ personal data.
Encryption methods
- Symmetric encryption.
This method uses a single cryptographic key to encrypt and decrypt data. This is what makes this process simple, clear, and reliable.
In addition:
- symmetric encryption is characterized by high speed;
- requires less computing power;
- does not affect the speed of the Internet.
In a symmetric scheme, keys are chosen randomly and their length varies between 128 and 256 bits. It depends on the level of security required. They are also quite short.
Since the defining quality of this method is speed, it is often used in modern computer systems to protect information data.
- Asymmetric encryption
This encryption method uses two types of cryptographic keys that are mathematically related to each other. One of them is called a “public” key, and the other is called a “private” key.
Asymmetric encryption ensures a high level of personal data security. This is achieved through the following scheme: encryption uses a public key that is available to everyone, but decryption is performed using a private key that must be stored.
The second key feature of the method is authentication, meaning that the user can be sure that he or she is communicating with a real person or organization, since only a specific object has access to a private key.
Examples of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms
- RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm
This algorithm was developed in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonardo Adleman.
It is one of the most popular types of asymmetric encryption in the world. Its effectiveness lies in the method of “primary factorization,” i.e., two different but random numbers of the desired size are selected, and then they need to be multiplied together. The main task is to determine the original numbers from the result.
The keys used by the algorithm can be of different lengths: 768-bit, 1024-bit, 2048-bit, 4096-bit, etc.
RSA is based on a mathematical approach, so its implementation is relatively easy. It is also characterized by adaptability and data security.
It is often used in SSL/TSL certificates, cryptocurrencies, and as an encryption for emails.
- The asymmetric encryption algorithm of ECC
In 1985, the mathematicians Neil Koblitz and Victor Miller proposed the use of elliptic curves in cryptography.
This idea worked much later. In 2004-2005, the ESS algorithm was created.
During the ECC encryption process, the elliptic curve offers a set of points that are substituted into a mathematical equation such as
y 2 = x 3 + ax + b
Thus, an ESS number is a point on a curve that is multiplied by another number. The result of a mathematical action is a new point on a given curve.
This encryption algorithm is one of the most secure in the world.
It uses short keys, which means that performance is improved, as short keys require less computing power and reduce the load on the network.
The ECC algorithm is often the basis of encryption for digital signatures, mobile applications, etc.
- RC4 symmetric encryption algorithm
In 1987, Ron Riveston developed a stream cipher. It used to be very popular and frequently used, but nowadays it is not recommended because weaknesses have been found in it.
However, it was used in such protocols as TLS and WEP to protect Internet traffic and wireless networks until 2016.
This algorithm is characterized by speed and ease of use.
- RC6 symmetric encryption algorithm
RC6 is a symmetric block cryptographic algorithm characterized by quite good speed and performance.
The algorithm is based on the block structure of the Feistel grid, which contains 4 branches of mixed type, where 2 even blocks are used to simultaneously change the content of two odd blocks. Next, there is a shift by one machine word, which swaps even and odd blocks.
It is recommended to use 20 rounds of the grid in the encryption process.
Each block supports keys of 128, 192, and 256 bits. It is used as embedded software in applications as well as in modern microprocessors.
Thus, in the world of modern technology and information planning, information protection is of great importance, so it is worth choosing and continuing to improve various types of encryption.