Business card website

There is a need to make yourself known on the world wide web, but there is no need for a large Internet portal – you can stop at creating a business card site. This is a small web resource – one or two pages. The first one contains basic information and the company logo. The next page usually contains textual information about the site itself, photos, and contacts. Sometimes they create a multi-page resource. The last page may contain a map, email address, or other information, depending on the business.

It is essentially a business card a company or individual must have on the Internet:

  • A short presentation so that the user instantly grasps the essence of the information presented;
  • The original thematic design, as they say, “Let’s meet on the clothes.”
  • Sufficient download speed. Maximum 10 seconds to avoid the urge to leave the page;
  • Adaptability to different devices. Potential customers should be able to quickly access it from both a PC and a mobile device;
  • Stability of work.

A virtual business card helps to get an idea of the company’s activities.

Business card websites are created by specialists in a web studio, it is enough to think over all your wishes in advance. The more clearly the terms of reference are described, the better the result will be. You can also create a business card yourself. There are website builders for this purpose. True, they do not have an extensive database and functionality, but independent development can be the first useful experience. Just choose a suitable template and fill it with the necessary information.

To promote a business card site in a search engine, you use it:

  • Key queries. They will help to expand search traffic;
  • Contextual advertising. It is relevant for checking the effectiveness of the site;
  • Social networks, forums. It works like a word of mouth, spreading the necessary information.

Trying to promote a business card site on a global scale is impractical. Optimization in a city or region is enough.

A business card site is essentially a startup that will help you find new customers on the Internet. A convenient and modern way to express yourself. Many users confuse an e-card with a landing page, but they have different purposes. A landing page is designed to call the target audience to action through persistent advertising, while a business card represents and popularizes the site owner’s field of activity and aims to cooperate.


  1. Savings on advertising. A business card website is cheaper than a commercial. Users can search for the site by key queries on their own, and the site’s capabilities allow them to post more information;
  2. Access even at night. There’s no need to find time to go to a real office to look for information;
  3. Timely updating of information. Information on prices, addresses, and phone numbers is updated instantly using online resources;
  4. The prospect of additional profit. Frequently visited sites earn money from banner ads;
  5. Ease of use.


You need to choose the type of business card site based on what it is intended for.

  • Personal – online resume;
  • For business – to promote the services of a company or organization;
  • Portfolio – to demonstrate achievements.

A business card website is a universal online resource that can be used by individuals, small businesses, and service providers. In the future, you can create a full-fledged corporate resource on the basis of a business card site by adding a catalog, a book of reviews, a rating, etc.

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