A little bit about USB cables

This is the first part of an article that discusses USB type A and type B, as well as USB 2.0

There are different types of USBs, some of which are used to connect peripherals to a PC, others to various mobile devices.

A USB cable is a piece of modern technology that provides a connection between two different devices. They are very convenient and easy to use for recharging gadgets, so they do not lose their relevance.

The physical connection between the two devices is made using USB cables. This interface is a combination of computer connectors of different types, sizes, and specific protocols.

Design features:

A USB cable is a pair of twisted pairs, one of which transmits data in each direction, and the other serves as a power source for a peripheral device.

The power lines built into the cables allow you to use USB devices that do not have their own power supply, as well as charge the batteries of portable devices such as cameras, video cameras, flashlights, etc. if they consume up to 500 mA.

The interface between two USB devices and a USB host is formed by USB cables.

Functions of USB cables:

  • charging mobile devices;
  • connecting peripherals to a PC;
  • Transfer information and media files between devices.

Shapes of USB cables:

  • An adapter is a cable that is characterized by its compactness and can be equipped with various types of connectors. It can be used to connect various gadgets.
  • Round is a USB cable with a round cross-section. It is characterized by ease of use and usefulness for many tasks.
  • Flat – this type of cable has a characteristic flat profile. It is easy to store and use.
  • Spiral – have a spiral shape, are able to stretch, providing portability.

Types of USB connectors:

All connectors are divided into two types, i.e. type A and type B.

  • Type A is characterized by the fact that the end of the cable that connects to the PC or hub is marked with a symbol:

Regular – 4 by 12 mm, mini – 3 by 7 mm, Micro – 2 by 7 mm

This type of connector is the most common and well-known. Most devices that are often connected via a USB cable are equipped with it, such as a computer mouse, flash drives, keyboard, cameras, etc.

  • Type B – is located at the other end of the cable intended for connection to a peripheral device:

Regular – 7 by 8 mm, mini – 3 by 7 mm, Micro – 2 by 7 mm

This type of connector is typical for connecting printers and scanners to PCs and some other devices.

Types of USB cables:

  • Lightning to Apple 30-pin
  • USB 2.0 A to Lightning
  • USB 2.0 (A to B)
  • USB 2.0 A to micro USB/Lightning/USB-C
  • MicroUSB to Lightning
  • USB-C 2.0 to Ethernet
  • VGA (DE-15) (video cable)
  • DVI CABLE is a digital video interface designed to transmit video to LCD monitors, TVs and projectors
  • SKART is a standard for connecting multimedia devices such as a TV, VCR, DVD player.

So, even though time and technology change, USB cables do not lose their relevance and pleasantly surprise with their versatility and practicality.

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