Lightshot is the fastest way to take a screenshot

Lightshot is a screen capture program for Windows and macOS. It works in a similar way to Windows and macOS scissors and offers additional special features for editing images and publishing them to the web.

The program replaces the function of the PrtScr button, intercepting it to launch itself. The user can click and highlight the part of the screen that interests them.

After selecting the desired area, a set of buttons appears to perform various actions with the image.

Available in the action program:

  • editing;
  • storage;
  • copying;
  • publication on the Internet and other social media.

The images that the user posts will be available at Archived from the original on March 14, 2022, at the Wayback Machine. Everyone has the opportunity to register at Archived from the original on November 28, 2010, at the Wayback Machine and keep a history of their screenshots.

Features of Lightshot:

  • Share screenshots online. You can quickly send the result of your work to your friends. All you need to do is launch the program, select the required area with the mouse and use the desired key combination. Lightshot will upload it to the server and generate a short link to it.
  • History of screenshots. Users can always control their images after they register on the sc website and get access to a convenient gallery. Here you can add comments to your pictures.
  • Copy to the clipboard. You can copy any part of the screen to the clipboard and use it as a regular graphic image. Select the desired area of the screen, then click “copy” or use the Ctrl+C combination or hold down Ctrl – the image is immediately placed in the buffer.
  • Edit a screenshot. With the powerful Pixlr Editor, you can edit screenshots quickly and efficiently. It includes stroke, underline, highlight, and more.
  • Save the image to disk. You can do this by pressing Ctrl+S. The program supports jpg, bmp and png formats.
  • Hotkeys, which can be found below.

List of hot keys:

  • “Start screen capture” – prt.scr. – The PC version completely replaces the standard screenshot tool. It works using the same keyboard key.
  • “Copy to Clipboard – Ctrl+C – Select the area to capture and use the usual button combination.
  • “Save as file” – Ctrl+S – The My Documents folder will be used if no other folder has been previously selected.
  • “Edit selected area” – Ctrl+E – This key combination will send a screenshot to the built-in or online editor.
  • “Download Screenshot” – Ctrl+D – You can follow the download process in a new window that opens. As soon as it is completed, a link to it will be generated.
  • “Exit without screenshot” – Esc+Ctrl+X – Cancels the screenshot, removes the blackout and returns you to the starting position.
  • “Full Screen Image – Ctrl+A – Stretches the selection to fit the entire screen.

Many users have come to love the Lightshot Chrome extension, which has proven to be a simple and reliable tool for taking screenshots. Its important feature was the ability to take screenshots outside the browser using NPAPI technology. But now Google does not support it.

Today, this technology is being replaced by another one called html5, with the help of which developers managed to recreate the interface already familiar to everyone. Moreover, the new version is available not only for Windows but also for other operating systems, including Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS.

So, users can continue taking screenshots outside the browser window of the desktop application, which works with multi-display configurations and allows you to track the history of your screenshots.

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