How the browser works

When working on a computer, you can’t do without a browser. A browser or web browser is software for viewing computer files. The browser converts the program code into the final format of the page that the user sees. In other words, a browser is an intermediary between the user and the Internet.

Browser functions

  • Allows you to download files of various types – music, audio books, videos, etc;
  • Provides the ability to store user data and passwords with simplified subsequent access;
  • Enables interaction with other users via email, social networks, and forums;
  • Allows you to make purchases through online stores;
  • Guarantees safety;
  • It makes it possible to use various add-ons – extensions, automatic information updating units (informers), themes for the visual design of the browser.

You can use more than one type of browser on the same device.

Each browser has unique features, but the principles of their operation are similar:

  1. To access the information on the website, the user opens a browser and enters the URL;
  2. The browser sends a request by IP address or searches by domain name;
  3. To display the page, a request is sent to the HTTP server. That is, the browser begins to “communicate” with the required server – a request-response;
  4. The request is processed through special web servers;
  5. A response is sent to the browser containing information about cookies, cache, etc;
  6. Information is transferred over the network via the TCP/IP protocol, and the requested page is displayed. This process is called rendering.

During the data transfer process, the browser loads all the necessary add-ons – pages to be accessed, videos, music, etc. At the same time, information about user actions is collected and stored, and files are written to the storage.

What to look for when choosing a browser

Every user wants to work with a browser that meets their requirements and the characteristics of their device, so you should pay attention to several criteria:

  • Degree of security. A high-quality program should not provide access to malicious websites;
  • Protection of personal data. The browser is the first defender of the system and should provide the ability to delete cookies and encrypt personal information;
  • Speed of work. It should not depend on the number of open tabs;
  • Software reliability. A browser that functions smoothly is the best option.

Briefly about the browser layout

  • User interface. Includes all external elements except website content;
  • Browser and rendering engine.Thanks to them, you can see textual information and images on the screen, not just codes;
  • Network system. Responsible for security;
  • Permanent data storage system.

In addition to the usual ones, there are browsers for anonymous access to the Internet.

The popularity of a browser plays an important role. Popular means needed. Google Chrome is the most popular browser in Ukraine, with over 65% of users preferring it. Opera is in second place with 13%, and Safari is third with about 10%.

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